Pinoy Teens New Media

We are Pinoy Teens, one of Philippine’s first when it comes to entertaining, informative and educative content.
Our mission is to


Provide you with meaningful content that intents to educate you on various important topics and/or lesson suitable for today's day and age.


Keep you updated on news that matter, when it matters. Ensuring that you are always on top of the latest events happening worldwide.


Publish material that is aimed at entertaining you. May that be content about a game that you like or something else that viral.

Pinoy Teens has been up and running since June 2007. We had our ups and downs, but as of now, we sport the following statistics of having over





Latest Blog Posts

5 Unusual Things to Do with a CNC Machine

5 Unusual Things to Do with a CNC Machine

You might not have heard of a CNC machine before, but if you haven’t, you should know they are rapidly becoming more popular, and more industries and individuals are using them. A CNC machine is essentially a machine that uses numerical control. This is a system where...

Christmas Depression: How to Avoid It

Christmas Depression: How to Avoid It

Photo by Bedbible While Christmas is associated with merry and cheer, many find it unbearable and depressing. Ranging from feelings of inadequacy, homesickness, and craving the company of long-gone relatives, Christmas proves a trigger for a ton of emotions. The...

From 20Mbps to 200Mbps – Globe Fiber Review

I think I can count myself quite fortunate that I have never had any sort of negative experience with PLDT and their internet offerings. That is because I've never availed any of it. Globe Broadband (or back then, Tattoo) used to be my partner in crime when it comes...

Yannah Claire Paquet

Yannah Claire Paquet

Lead Contributor

Heir to the throne of Pinoy Teens. In denial nerd. Apple fangirl. Roblox addict.

Georg Kevin Paquet

Georg Kevin Paquet

Lead Contributor

I.T whizz. Football fanatic. Esports enthusiast. Gamer. Frustrated writer. Old-school Blogger (since 2007).

Be part of Pinoy Teens New Media. Be one of us!

Welcome to Pinoy Teens New Media! I hope you enjoy reading our blog! I look forward to provide more educative, entertaining and informative content for you all.
Georg Kevin

Blogger, Pinoy Teens New Media

Up and running sinceMarch 1, 2008
16.4 years ago.

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Pinoy Teens 2024

We are Pinoy Teens New Media. One of Philippines’ first blogs. This site is up and running for over 10 years now.

Our mission is to


Provide you with meaningful content that intents to educate you on various important topics and/or lesson suitable for today's day and age.


Keep you updated on news that matter, when it matters. Ensuring that you are always on top of the latest events happening worldwide.


Publish material that is aimed at entertaining you. May that be content about a game that you like or something else that viral.

Pinoy Teens has been up and running since June 2007. We had our ups and downs, but as of now, we sport the following statistics of having over





Latest Blog Posts

Christmas Depression: How to Avoid It

Christmas Depression: How to Avoid It

Photo by Bedbible While Christmas is associated with merry and cheer, many find it unbearable and depressing. Ranging from feelings of inadequacy, homesickness, and craving the company of long-gone relatives, Christmas proves a trigger for a ton of emotions. The...

The Top Trending Apps You Need for Your Smart Device

Apps. Everyone has them on their phones. It is getting to the point where you cannot do anything anymore without them. Your bank requires an app to check your account. Your router requires an app so you can set the wi-fi in your home. You must have them to live your...

From 20Mbps to 200Mbps – Globe Fiber Review

I think I can count myself quite fortunate that I have never had any sort of negative experience with PLDT and their internet offerings. That is because I've never availed any of it. Globe Broadband (or back then, Tattoo) used to be my partner in crime when it comes...

Kindhearted Angel Locsin turned villain in online threat

For the most part, we at Pinoy Teens New Media have remained silent regarding the never-ending conflict of whether ABS CBN should be allowed back into power or not. It's been a funny debate, because those who have been complaining the most are celebrities and...

Go for more with Globe Prepaid’s newest and biggest Go Promos

Go for more with Globe Prepaid’s newest and biggest Go Promos

Gear up for the new normal as Globe Prepaid brings you its newest Go promos with the biggest GBs for ALL sites and apps! The new Go promos allow you to surf any of your favorite apps without holding back – giving you the flexibility and freedom that you need. Now, you...

Facebook Glitch or Facebook Hackers? Duplicate Accounts surge

As Rappler and any other Opposition aligning News Agency would want you to believe, duplicate Facebook accounts are popping up for students and alumni of the University of the Philippines and other State-owned school. As well as for other individuals who are...

What is Best for You? Dating Apps or Sites

Advances in technology have changed the way we do things. At the moment, most things are done through the phone, and this has ended up changing the dating scene for good. Nowadays, the concept of dating has changed, and most people tend to meet online. If you are new...

Yannah Claire Paquet

Yannah Claire Paquet

Lead Contributor

Heir to the throne of Pinoy Teens. In denial nerd. Apple fangirl. Roblox addict.

Georg Kevin Paquet

Georg Kevin Paquet


I.T whizz. Football fanatic. Esports enthusiast. Gamer. Frustrated writer. Old-school Blogger (since 2007).
Up and running sinceMarch 1, 2008
16.4 years ago.

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Pinoy Teens New Media

We are Pinoy Teens, one of Philippine’s first when it comes to entertaining, informative and educative content.

Responsible Journalism

Our goal is to deliver the best, most accurate and objective point of view on the latest issues and events happening, unless otherwise stated beforehand.

Truthful Reporting

Whatever comes out from our mouth can’t be bought. We can’t be bought. We believe in truthful reporting, hiding from you nothing.

Dynamic Community

We adjust as the tides change. Pinoy Teens will adjust to the changes as they come in order to stay relevant and interesting to our audience.

Be part of Pinoy Teens New Media. Be one of us!

Welcome to Pinoy Teens New Media! I hope you enjoy reading our blog! I look forward to provide more educative, entertaining and informative content for you all.
Georg Kevin

Blogger, Pinoy Teens New Media