How to get Facebook's new Timeline feature

As a surprise, I’m very pleased and excited about the new Timeline feature that Facebook has introduced. It looks very neat and sleek indeed. To be honest, the one feature that I’ve really laid my eyes on is the possibility of looking back at all my old...

5 Rules about Selling on Facebook

5 Quick Guidelines to follow if you want to sell products effectively on social networking giant Facebook. Be in the know, and be not a spammer. The title “5 things I hate about how people sell on facebook” seems more apropriate to this article, yet I...

Mikey Arroyo wants Facebook regulated

Mikey Arroyo involved in a suspicious pic spreading on Facebook bashes bloggers and wants Facebook regulated. Why these angered words, Mikey? Pikon? I don’t think bloggers did nothing, do you? In a not so distant past, we (bloggers and fellow Filipino Netizens)...