PBB Teen Clash Housemate: Shey Bustamante

Read the Official Profile of PBB Teen Clash Housemate Shey Bustamente, dubbed as Diskarte Bombshell ng Mindoro. Find more PBB Clash Updates below the profile, too. Rachel Anne Bustamante, or better known as Rach or simply as Shey is a 17 year young teen who celebrates...

PBB Teen Clash Housemate: Devon Seron

Read the Official Profile of PBB Teen Clash Housemate Devon Natividad Seron, dubbed as “Bubbly Promdi ng Cebu”. Find more PBB Clash Updates below the profile, too. Devon May Natividad Seron, or simply Devon is a 16 year young Filipina from Cebu. She celebrates her...

Partly ABS-CBN Talent Housemate of PBB Clash 2010?

It is rumored that a partly ABS-CBN Talent (someone who attended various ABS CBN Workshops) by the nickname Vim is one of the teen hunks for PBB Teen Clash 2010. Do you want him as a housemate? I do! But that doesn’t mean that it is fair that he should be inside...