Join me in this 10-15 part series as I unveil to the world the making of Pinoy Teens. How it all started, why we exist and more. This is an exclusive coverage of The Making of Pinoy Teens in line with the celebration of Pinoy Teens’ 5th year in existence this...
I noticed a couple of very weird facts about Friendster Users, which I have ever so hard tried to correct. But after correcting one of the many, I discovered that there are numerous people who are exercising these errors. Using a Imaginary Email Address, specifically...
I have received a single text message multiple times already coming from different senders every time. It looks like another big rumor in relation to Friendsters “ever latsting” downtime. Please be advised that Friendster suffered a great damage on their...
For the past couple of days, Friendser had a enormous long downtime which is pretty unusual, even Plurk had a little maintainance every now and then, but the 8th biggest social network being down for more than 24 hours is a huge deal already, especially for people...
Heir to the throne of Pinoy Teens. In denial nerd. Apple fangirl. Roblox addict.
I.T whizz. Football fanatic. Esports enthusiast. Gamer. Frustrated writer. Old-school Blogger (since 2007).
One of Philippine's first when it comes to entertaining, informative and educative content.