Most Scary WordPress Moment

To join the discussion that is going on over at the Weblogtoolscollection, a website that delivers WordPress related news views updates and whatsoever that’s connected and related to WordPress; here’s my post about the most craziest, scary moment in my...

Spread the Link Love!

We know how important it is for all of us to get our websites promote the most effective yet pleasing way. We don’t want to spam like hell other people by asking them through comments to exchange links with your blogs, I know, you hate the feeling when you see a...

Going the blogspot way

No, you’re not dreaming. I’ll go along with blogspot. I will create a blogger account and use blogspot, just for a try. Haha. I want to see what people like on blogspot, why they say it’s so easy and user friendly (which I strongly believe...

If Akismet gives you headache

I come to recall the times when Akismet marked one very important comment as spam and I was just too lazy to check all those 1,200+ pending spam comments and delete them all immediately, confident that Akismet did not make any mistake with that. Yet well, a mistake...

MBS2 – The Story in Links

I’m quite past the deadline, but still, let me bring out this post of thankfulness for all the people who made the Mindanao Bloggers Summit a even more memoreable event for me. Better late than never, don’t you agree? Anyways, here’s the whole event...