Pinoy Teens New Media

We are Pinoy Teens, one of Philippine’s first when it comes to entertaining, informative and educative content.
Our mission is to


Provide you with meaningful content that intents to educate you on various important topics and/or lesson suitable for today's day and age.


Keep you updated on news that matter, when it matters. Ensuring that you are always on top of the latest events happening worldwide.


Publish material that is aimed at entertaining you. May that be content about a game that you like or something else that viral.

Pinoy Teens has been up and running since June 2007. We had our ups and downs, but as of now, we sport the following statistics of having over





Latest Blog Posts

9 Apps You’ll Need In University

9 Apps You’ll Need In University

Heading to university is an exciting time! Be ready to meet new life-long friends, get inspired by the community, and fill your brain with knowledge. With these nine apps, you'll be able to keep track of your busy academic and social life, while getting your money and...

How to Stay Safe When Walking Your Dog

How to Stay Safe When Walking Your Dog

Walking your dog is one of the simple pleasures in life; it’s great for both the body and mind of you and your four-legged friend. Walking together not only keeps you fit but also strengthens your bond and gives you time to think and relax as you stroll. ...

Life Skills You Don’t Learn in School

Life Skills You Don’t Learn in School

It doesn't make a lot of sense how we enter adult life unprepared, although we spent most of our development years in an educational institution.  However, parents tend to delegate most of our intellectual and life-skill development to schools, and they don't...

Yannah Claire Paquet

Yannah Claire Paquet

Lead Contributor

Heir to the throne of Pinoy Teens. In denial nerd. Apple fangirl. Roblox addict.

Georg Kevin Paquet

Georg Kevin Paquet

Lead Contributor

I.T whizz. Football fanatic. Esports enthusiast. Gamer. Frustrated writer. Old-school Blogger (since 2007).

Be part of Pinoy Teens New Media. Be one of us!

Welcome to Pinoy Teens New Media! I hope you enjoy reading our blog! I look forward to provide more educative, entertaining and informative content for you all.
Georg Kevin

Blogger, Pinoy Teens New Media

Up and running sinceMarch 1, 2008
16.4 years ago.

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Pinoy Teens 2024

We are Pinoy Teens New Media. One of Philippines’ first blogs. This site is up and running for over 10 years now.

Our mission is to


Provide you with meaningful content that intents to educate you on various important topics and/or lesson suitable for today's day and age.


Keep you updated on news that matter, when it matters. Ensuring that you are always on top of the latest events happening worldwide.


Publish material that is aimed at entertaining you. May that be content about a game that you like or something else that viral.

Pinoy Teens has been up and running since June 2007. We had our ups and downs, but as of now, we sport the following statistics of having over





Latest Blog Posts

How to win a lottery?

How to win a lottery?

Have you heard the story of a British couple who won £1m in the EuroMillions lottery the second time? Do you ever dream about the odds of suddenly having millions of dollars? Have you ever purchased a lottery ticket and wished your luck would have come? Truth be told,...

Top 5 Emotional Goals In The History Of Football

Top 5 Emotional Goals In The History Of Football

Meta: In the history of football, there are a wide range of goals leaving us with marvelous feelings. Check out top 5 emotional goals throughout various international tournaments.  As a king sport, football always brings us unforgettable moments. In other words,...

Crucial Considerations to Make Before Buying a Vaping Pen

Whether you are buying your first or tenth vaping pen, making the right decision will determine the experience you will have going forward. Buying the best device for your money will not only bring satisfaction during use, but it will also increase the safety and...

Buying an Old House: The Benefits and Drawbacks

Buying an Old House: The Benefits and Drawbacks

Sometimes buying a brand new house is just out of the question. First-time homeowners won’t always have the money to buy the house of their dreams. Sometimes we are left with no other choice but to buy an older, much cheaper option as our first house. There are so...

Smiling Could Help Your Athletic Performance

A smile is a natural reflex that enables your brain to receive mood-improving chemicals which improve even the grumpiest of moods. In many cases, smiling happens unconsciously. But, as it turns out, whether fake or not, a grin on your face may be your secret tool for...

How to get and stay in the zone

How to get and stay in the zone

How to get and stay in the zone The word ‘flow’ to mean extended periods of concentration has been something a lot more people are hoping to attain. Challenges, however, get into the way of that. From the loud laughter of that colleague you don’t like to your boss...

It’s True: Women Perform Better in Warmer Temperatures

It’s True:  Women Perform Better in Warmer Temperatures Ladies, listen up: it is not in your heads. You’re all as special as you’re different, which is why your productivity levels should not be measured in the same environment as men’s. What are we talking...

Creative Ideas for Daily Journaling

Creative Ideas for Daily Journaling

Creative Ideas for Daily Journaling   Figure 1. Source Did you know that almost all psychotherapists and counselors recommended journaling? It’s a method that relieves stress. The practice of expressing thoughts and emotions contributes towards better stress...

Yannah Claire Paquet

Yannah Claire Paquet

Lead Contributor

Heir to the throne of Pinoy Teens. In denial nerd. Apple fangirl. Roblox addict.

Georg Kevin Paquet

Georg Kevin Paquet


I.T whizz. Football fanatic. Esports enthusiast. Gamer. Frustrated writer. Old-school Blogger (since 2007).
Up and running sinceMarch 1, 2008
16.4 years ago.

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Pinoy Teens New Media

We are Pinoy Teens, one of Philippine’s first when it comes to entertaining, informative and educative content.

Responsible Journalism

Our goal is to deliver the best, most accurate and objective point of view on the latest issues and events happening, unless otherwise stated beforehand.

Truthful Reporting

Whatever comes out from our mouth can’t be bought. We can’t be bought. We believe in truthful reporting, hiding from you nothing.

Dynamic Community

We adjust as the tides change. Pinoy Teens will adjust to the changes as they come in order to stay relevant and interesting to our audience.

Be part of Pinoy Teens New Media. Be one of us!

Welcome to Pinoy Teens New Media! I hope you enjoy reading our blog! I look forward to provide more educative, entertaining and informative content for you all.
Georg Kevin

Blogger, Pinoy Teens New Media