PWC Leadership Training 2014

As posted on: The Annual PWC Leadership Training initiated by our school's Office of Student Affairs was the first Leadership Training that I've ever attended. It was a truly remarkable experience for me, it was truly a first of its kind. I'm still...

Software Freedom Day at PWC

The Information Technology Department of the Philippine Women's College of Davao is set to host their first ever Software Freedom Day this coming September 20, 2014. Software Freedom Day 2014 is slated to be PWC I.T Department's biggest event yet. Software Freedom Day...

Meet My Pokemon Team v1.0

I posted a status on Facebook that I was in the mood to blog something. There was no specific topic on my mind though. A friend has recommended me to blog about Pokemon. Here I am, blogging about Pokemon. To be honest, I have been a bit out of touch with Pokemon...

Tagged for ‘The Liebster Award’

Hello there. Omg, this is like the second post I've written within the last 3 days. It's an awesome statistic, when we consider that the most recent post of mine, save the one I posted 2 days ago, dates back to mid-June. Anyways, I'm writing this new blog post because...

Welcome to Pinoy Teens 2014

Gosh. It's been a while since my last blog post. I haven't even been able to finish my coverage of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Mainly, it's because our old web hosting solution started sucking big time since June. Everything's alright now though, we're having a...

Live Now: Australia vs Netherlands

If you're interested in watching a 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil match live right now, then come and join me in watching Australia vs Netherlands with our exclusive live stream coverage! Copy and paste the following URL into your browsers address bar in a new tab:...


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