WordPress Users beware!

If in case you have your dashboard widgets customized and have the WordPress News removed from it, let me remind you once again, that you need to update to WordPress 2.6.2 as soon as possible! Your blog might be under great security risk and danger. WordPress 2.6.2 is...

WordPress Locally

Are you not sure about certain things that WordPress plugins or themes are doing? Want to try it out on a dummy to see whether things are working the way you like? Well, the first thing that could come to your mind would be either to set your site unto maintainance...

Bring Your OS XP to life!

Did you ever know about, that your Windows XP could be designed? I mean, totally re-designed, not just picking among the default themes like, Silver, Blue, Olive and the Classics? If you didn’t knew about it yet, and are interesting in styling your Windows, then...

Download Videos from Video Sites!

in this post, I’ll gonna teach you how to download videos from popular video sites like YouTube for example. If you are a internet explorer user, please click on the blue banner above the blog which says “Get Firefox with Google Toolbar” to switch to...

Trice on Track – WordPress Plugins for Tracking

Today I will be presenting you 3 plugins that are very useful to track down your visitors, their activity path, referrers and on which respective links they’ve exited your site. These kinds of plugins are tracking plugins, each and everyone of them of its unique...