There are a lot of means and ways that you can entertain people, a lot of possible paths to go to bring your blog to success and make you earn money, but you can also end up with the rear opposite of everything good and make people get rid of your site and click...
How often have I failed to do what I want? How often have I returned from where I come? It’ll finally take it’s last stand this June 13, 2009 when Pinoy Teens will say goodbye to the blogoshpere, and when Pinoy Teens will become part of the historic...
Up and running sinceMarch 1, 2008
17years ago.
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We are Pinoy Teens
Heir to the throne of Pinoy Teens. In denial nerd. Apple fangirl. Roblox addict.
I.T whizz. Football fanatic. Esports enthusiast. Gamer. Frustrated writer. Old-school Blogger (since 2007).
One of Philippine's first when it comes to entertaining, informative and educative content.