3 Possible Uses for the iPad

iTampon ceases in popularity on Twitter, and it looks like everything is starting to grow up to their respective ages again. Or is it just that all the whiners have run their tears dry already? Well, I have to say that the Apple iPad is not really what I expected it...

Apple's iPad – Fail or Success?

The future of this weird, underwhelming, and underpriced new device from Apple is unclear. I mean, it just launched yesterday and is going to ship within the 60 days. Yet, one thing is for sure, majority of existing Apple Costumers who are in possession of an iPod...

Kris Aquino has my back now, what do you think?

Kris Aquino is in the showbiz headlines once again.  Albeit this may be a late article about this current fiasco since you probably have heard everything from The Buzz and from other showbiz news sources already, I’m still going to say something about this since...