Don’t miss the chance to be part of the National Science and Technology Week 2012 there’s a whole program prepared for it, and if you are from Luzon, you’re pretty lucky to be close to the venue as well! Program for National Science and Technology...
Okey okey, I don’t really know whether I should publish a post about this nonsense field trip or not, but I just have to share a couple of words of wisdom regarding the event that kept me away from the computer for the whole day until late evening. Well, no...
And my curiuousity led me to the wrong path. But hey, it was worth a try posting information about it since it really made a buzz on the internet and I really believed in the theory regarding the spin of the earth which causes the sun rays enter the earth from...
A rumor is spreading throughout the world wide web via emails and web blogs that on the 17th of October, the present living generation of people will come to experience a rare phenomenon which is said to be occurring every 2,400 years on our planet earth. Besides...
I don’t know wether to include it into the Physics division for our Educational Aid sub-category, or just post it under Educational Aid itself or, create a General Science Category for this lesson that I’ll be posting. In this post, I’ll be...
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