Pinoy Teens will be revamped!

Yay! I’ve won in a Free Premium Theme Contest that I joined some weeks back a free theme!! Actually, the winners of the contest where able to select from any premium/paid theme that is available in the whole world wide web and tell Jai about the specific theme...

5 Years of WordPress

And I’m yet to complete a half year of my experience with WordPress. If we’d take a look back unto what WordPress was years ago, to the present 2.5.1 stable, indeed everyone can say and would agree that WordPress has gone a long way already, and continues...

The Chiq vs The Doll

Eviction Night is knocking on the door again. The tragic eviction that happened last Saturday still remains in memory for a lot of people, especially for the RONATICS who still try to figure out on how to carry their weary emotions. Robi thought to volunteer exit, but...