If you just believe

I am still trying to get myself back into blogging again. And I thought one of the best ways would be to plug a friend of mine who attend the Youth Engagement Summit in Kuala Lumpur. I need to admit that I didn’t knew at all that she had a little baby boy prior...

Five Reasons to continue Blogging

It has often crossed my mind to stop blogging. I don’t know, I just feel so, and I don’t really think that blogging is something that really suits me well. But then again, my friends are there to cheer me up. They have named a few points why I should...

Ten Things I Learned from the SEO drought

It is no secret that Pinoy Teens is flushing down the stream once again, continuously, without even a single positive sign to end the burden that I have experienced the past three months, and intensively witnessing the past month and a half, it’s no wonder, why...