Pinoy-Topsites.Com contains Malware?

While we have almost recovered from our bad performance in terms of visitors in the past 5 weeks and went back to a high of 1,000 visitors yesterday, I was shocked to note that there has not been a single one visiting Pinoy Teens since midnight of this very day. And I...

Cory Aquino Funeral – No Class Wednesday

Former President Cory Aquino who did not managed to extend her stay on earth loosing in a colon cancer battle to the diseases has past away recently, and the Funeral of Cory Aquino, the said Mother of Democracy in the Philippines is just a sleep away, scheduled for...

Finally Moving On

I DO NOT INTEND TO MOVE ON FROM MY RELATIONSHIP w/ HER, I’m referring to move to a new domain, nothing else. I do not intend to move on from the pretty blurry relationship that I have with a fellow Plurker, but rather, move on from this website. I have been...