Reviewing Co-Authors Plus

Co-Authors Plus is a new WordPress plugin that allows you to assign more than one author to a single post if in case the others have done their part to get a good post out and give them even recognition.

Blog Tip 5: Blog Better & Make Money

It’s unorthodox for me to go straight to the point, but indeed, you can blog better and make money from it, and that’s what this 5th blogging tips is all about. Let’s recap the past fours to refreshen your mind and give a little overview to the new...

Blog Tip 4: Getting your blog through adversity

Do you have problems with your blog getting through rough times? Read our blogging tips to aid your blogging and your blog get through times of adversity and strugle. Find ways to make money online, and figure out what you need to do to get things going again.

Blog Tip 2: Taking care of Comments

I have told you a little tip in my recent blog tip article which emphasizes the importance of turning your ideas into actions, as valuable ideas are nothing when not pursued, now, we’ll move a step onward and take action by taking care of our blog’s...