In case you’re wondering about getting a brand new iPhone 7 today. I’d suggest you keep that money in your pocket for a moment. In case you’re wondering about changing your style, again, I’d suggest you keep that money in your pocket for a...
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~Burton Hillis So what are you doing for this Christmas? Christmas-time is surely coming, and everyone is truly excited. But as we grow older, Christmas...
Mmkay. Today, we remember The Katipuneros waving our bandila in Emilio Aguinaldo’s crib in Cavite. This is done for the first time after fighting against the Spaniards. June 12 really wasn’t the original date for the Independence Day but NAH… I’m not going to give...
The PWC of Davao, along with all schools and universities throughout the Philippines do not have classes today, from the Nursery, Pre-School, up to the College unit of education. This National School Holiday was announced by the administration of PGMA to recall what...
I can say that I am pretty much proud of myself and the good things that I have done until this very Christmas season, and so far, all my effort has paid of very great, and I’ve received more than I have expected to receive. Although, not really the things that...
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