Blood Of Olympus, the fifth book in the Heroes of Olympus Series featuring the adventures of our demigod friends like Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Nico Di Angelo, Leo Valdez and more, has finally been released worldwide. October 7, 2014 marked the...
Pinoy Teens is using Smart LTE for over 6 months now. The experience with both the internet service and customer support of Smart has been excellent and outstanding. Of course, there may have been a few minor hiccups here and there with my internet connection, but all...
As posted on: The Annual PWC Leadership Training initiated by our school’s Office of Student Affairs was the first Leadership Training that I’ve ever attended. It was a truly remarkable experience for me, it was truly a first of its...
The Information Technology Department of the Philippine Women’s College of Davao is set to host their first ever Software Freedom Day this coming September 20, 2014. Software Freedom Day 2014 is slated to be PWC I.T Department’s biggest event yet. Software...
Hello Kitty is not a Cat, disclosed Sanrio. For about 40 years, they’ve had us fooled that Hello Kitty was a cat. It turns out that Hello Kitty is not a cat, and that instead, the famous Hello Kitty is supposed to be a British Schoolgirl. If you think about it...
I’ve heard quite a lot about Spinnr in the last couple of months. Honestly, I didn’t mind the said music streaming service that much. Now, I’m realizing how big of a mistake it was to have ignored Spinnr for this long. Given that Spinnr...
Heir to the throne of Pinoy Teens. In denial nerd. Apple fangirl. Roblox addict.
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