UPDATE: Click here for instructions to watch Mayweather vs Marquez live for free
We’ve been avidly following the boxing matches of our very own People’s Champion Manny Pacquiao, fight in and fight out. Most especially his latest demolition over Ricky Hatton. Masses have been hoping that Pacquiao would face Mayweather in his next outing, but it doesn’t looks that way. As Mayweather JR is about to take on the number of Mexico, dubbed as Numero Uno, Juan Manuel Marquez.
Mayweather who is speculated to be the only hindrance for Manny Pacquiao to be labeled as the number one boxer of this generation has never lost a single battle in the ring and is still speculated to be the dubbed Number One. But things may change for either way, as Juan Manuel Marquez, Mexico’s Numero Uno will go against United States Number One, Floyd Mayweather JR.

It is though to call who between these two greats will succeed, but it isn’t really the match that we’ve all expected. Well, Pacquiao does still has an assignment this year against Miguel Cotto, but I believe a bought with Mayweather JR would’ve been of much greater impact.
Number One vs Numero Uno
The fight of Juan Manuel Marquez vs Floyd Mayweather JR; dubbed as Number One vs Numero Uno is one big fight to look forward to. The battle between these two top class fighters is scheduled for the 18th of September, 2009, (September 19, 2009 for Filipinos). I’m pretty sure that whoever gets the upper hand in this contest will face Pacquiao as their next outing.
PS: We will do our best to provide a live stream for this match, in a later post
i’ll be waiting for this bout…