There have been a couple of good plugins out now in the past few days, and it has come to my attention that I am lacking in useful posts here. So, I’ve come to the idea to share you 3 of those plugins, which I hope you’ll guys will find helpful.
One of them ain’t to be that new, but still it does quiet a lot of work that you ain’t be dreaming about. So let’s start off. I believe that you, as a blogger has a Feedburner account? So, if you have one, let’s assume that you have the email newsletter feature activated. Do you have any readers by the way? Or are those people subscribing all unverified ones? Let’s get them verified in a rush and send them a lil note to do so.
How? With the Unsubscribed Feedburner Notifier which conviniently sends a custom message as you desire to the subscribers of your feed that are unverified, maybe they could have just missed out the email or oversaw it in their inbox, a little reminder ain’t be that painful!
The next plugin is something which suits to people who have many blogs or frequently post more than 2-3x within a single day. As you may have noticed, that it takes years to load (sometimes) as you publish a post. All because of all those bots that WordPress is waiting to respond in order to get your post through the blogoshpere via those update services, like Technorati for example. Well, you actually don’t need to wait that long if you have this No Ping Wait plugin activated, which notably drops the loading time between publishing.
Last but not the least is a plugin that I personally find very cute and handy, especially when I come to like a specific post, I usually hop over to my own blog to write about it and link back of course, to give credit to the website I’ve got the idea from. Well, you can do that with our blog too, and could start now with this post. But how could you do that? The Please Link 2 Me plugin automatically creates a little textbox at the end of every post, which allows users to copy and paste them unto their website or whenever they’d like, making sharing of blog posts with other people even more convenient.
So, these are the 3 plugins that I’ve got to share with you for now, more cool plugins are coming up soon, I hope you like them and make use of them on your WordPress machine! Also don’t forget, that comments, questions or suggestions are most welcome below, just drop by a line and leave a comment 🙂
James says
Thanks for mentioning my plugin. I’m glad to see somebody’s using it 😀