7 Blogging Pointers for New (and old) Bloggers

The landscape of blogging went through a huge change from the way I knew it to be over 3-4 years ago. From a technological point of view, that’s a lot of time. The very foundation of blogging hasn’t really changed much; the least that has changed in...

The Making of Pinoy Teens part 5

Many think blogging is easy. If you’re just out there for a view and blurt out your personal experiences, opinions et cetera then blogging certainly is as easy and simple as it can get. For those who wish to delve deeper into the world of blogging, worst, are...

Ten Things I Learned from the SEO drought

It is no secret that Pinoy Teens is flushing down the stream once again, continuously, without even a single positive sign to end the burden that I have experienced the past three months, and intensively witnessing the past month and a half, it’s no wonder, why...

Blog Tip 5: Blog Better & Make Money

It’s unorthodox for me to go straight to the point, but indeed, you can blog better and make money from it, and that’s what this 5th blogging tips is all about. Let’s recap the past fours to refreshen your mind and give a little overview to the new...