Rethinking about those moments when my mother texted me up that I should get my ass home as soon as possible because something happened to my father drive me nuts, scared and insane. They simply creep me out. My father is 71 years old and he had a mild stroke last Friday at around 11 o’clock. ‘guess we all know well that even a mild strong ain’t that mild for a person of that age (or say any person at all). It often signalizes the start of the closing chapter of the life that’s been hit by such. And there’s no way that I can get myself away from the thought that this might just be the case with my father.
“Your Dad’s Hospitalization was so far the best thing that happened to you this 2011”, those were the words of my best friend. No, she did not speak them with a tongue of irony or sarcasm; she really means it. It’s not that she spells shadenfreude for the situation my dad is in it’s just that she believes this to be my time, my chance to prove to myself and to my (extended) family that I can somehow wrap myself up on my own, be a more independent per say.

I know very well that my father is really happy with the presence of the two of us. Whilst I’m very happy with the presence of my Princess who is accompanying me for this second day at the Hospital.
I’ve also got the feeling that this event has deepened our relationship, since we start doing the household stuff while my mother is at the hospital. I’ve never dreamed of getting independent anytime soon, the life I had perfectly suited one potato couch like me.
Yet the sickness of my father changed the whole game.
I know, my girl friend is pretty young (me, too), but I can’t help to think about this situation as a test to see how we’d to together one day. No, I’m not thinking that far yet that we should start being together, but just the thought of it that we have done pretty well in the past 48 hours makes me smile.
The more pleased I am with having my girl friend around here is the rear opposite emotion that I share with my ex-girl friend. It’s not that I want her to be here because of me; but because of my dad. The two have been very well together, they understand each other and I know that even though I have a new girl friend, my Rhea has got the sympathy of my dad and her presence wouldn’t harm his emotional being at all but only cheer him up.
You should’ve seen the smile on my face earlier this day when Princess shaved my father’s face, helped him wash up and brush his teeth. You could see that she really cares and feel that he really likes it that there are younglings taking the time to show their concern.

I hope my dad get’s through harmlessly with this situation and that he’ll recover as soon as possible. Both Princess and I are trying to make every second a precious one, and if time comes the undoable takes place we both can say to ourselves that we’ve done our best to make him feel best.
ps: I hope my girl friend and I share common thoughts. It really makes me love her more. 🙂
Rational Mind – out.
This is the first official blog post under the Rational Mind Sub-Blog. The Rational Mind blog takes up select topics about anything and everything – which makes sense. Excuse me for this very personal one, though!
Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
Please proof read your article before posting it. Also, you mis-typed the word "mild stroke" to "mild strong"
That’s exactly how I meant to use Shadenfreude. (I’m a German) Sorry for the typo though for which I have no excuse really.