How to get and stay in the zone

How to get and stay in the zone The word ‘flow’ to mean extended periods of concentration has been something a lot more people are hoping to attain. Challenges, however, get into the way of that. From the loud laughter of that colleague you don’t like to your boss...

Creative Ideas for Daily Journaling

Creative Ideas for Daily Journaling   Figure 1. Source Did you know that almost all psychotherapists and counselors recommended journaling? It’s a method that relieves stress. The practice of expressing thoughts and emotions contributes towards better stress...

7 Ways to Save Money on Your Wedding Day

Weddings are lovely. They are the time for joy and union. But that day can cost you a huge chunk of your life’s earnings. Honestly, no one made it a rule of thumb that you need to have a grand wedding. You can tie the knot in church and have brunch with your close...

Self-Harm: Possible Causes and Its Unique Forms

In my first term of my last year in college, I shared a Facebook post about the difficulties of having to fight depression and the added burden a person must carry because of antidepressants with a comment of my own. The context of my own post was aligned with the...