The fifth installment in the popular Die Hard franchise entitled “A Good Day to Die Hard” is set to be screened at the Cinemas nearest you starting this February 13, 2013. For now, I’ll leave you with a new trailer for this movie. The high-octane...
MMFF entry Sisteraks from Star Cinema and Viva films is closing in on Philippines’ current highest grossing Filipino Movie, Praybeyt Benjamin from Viva Films. Per Kris Aquino’s tweet last January 6, 2013, it’s safe to assume that Sisterakas is...
“The Voice” of the Philippines is soon to be aired on ABS-CBN. But before we get that far to have ABS-CBN air the hit reality singing competition they acquired from NBC, let’s have a look at Audition Schedules for “The Voice” Philippines...
24 year old Popstar Princess Sarah Geronimo is quite known for her mother who tends to take control of her life, especially her love life. Is Sarah Geronimo going to redeem herself by the time she reaches 25? Let’s find out through the little tidbits...
The third single from Never the Strangers’ self-titled debut album has just got a music video. Have a look at Bago Mahuli ang Lahat by Never The Strangers under Warner Music Philippines. A few things to note about the band Never the Strangers before we head to...
Teenagers have been drawn to video games since the days of pinball machines and Ataris, and nothing has changed over the years. Nowadays, teenagers have plenty of options when it comes to playing video games: Not only can they play these games at arcades and on their...
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