Princess and I attended the Back to the Mac (which wasn’t “Back to the Mac at all”) last May 11, 2011 at the Blu Gre, Bajada, Davao City. We were joined by a number of General Santos and Davao City based bloggers like Geeky Faust, and Princess’ very own blogging favorite, Orman. (but more on that in a later post)
Back to the Mac this Summer
Apple’s website claims that OSX Lion is due to be released this Summer. Which of course, depends on how swiftly development of the said OS goes on. One of the many things that we can look forward to about OSX Lion is that it’ll sport a number of new features, like Mission Control, and an over all more iOS like feel. (which sucks, if you ask me)
No, I didn’t get that information from the event, I looked it up myself on the net. There was good to zero talk about Lion in the “Back to the Mac” affair. The only upside of this event that I could note was how the host boasted about the durability, ease of use and features that OSX Snow Leopard already has – for someone who knows all that already (I’m talking about me) though, it made this event a little pointless. I hope next time we’ll get to see what is promised by the title.
OSX beats Windows all end out
One of the favorite points that Gabe Mercado emphasized on was the number of versions the Windows OS is being shipped. From Starter, to Home Basic, Business and all those other shit stuff. Whilst OSX comes with just a single version for all. Set aside the OSX Snow Leopard Server, of course.
You might think that you are limited in some way when entering the very tight ecosystem of Apple, but if you don’t own Windows Ultimate, then you are the one who is limited.
What I quoted above was true to me, at least. I also was sort of uncertain entering the realm of Apple. I had no clue whatsoever which or what App would welcome me – aside from those that I already know of like iTunes, Safari and Quicktime, but that was pretty much it.
Apple didn’t disappoint when they claimed in one of their first iLife advertisements that iLife is the Microsoft Office for the rest of our lives!
By the initial value of actually useful applications and the notably less headache people get. OSX beats Windows all end out!
iPhoto and iMovie
Gabe demoed two of my favorite Mac Applications, both that I’ve been using ever since I turned to the Apple side of things in late 2008, iPhoto and iMovie. Two Apps that I just can’t live without (i moved to Aperture, ditching iPhoto, not because it’s bad, but because it’s better) which got better in late 2010 with the release of the iLife 11 suite.
Key Features of iPhoto:
- New Full-Screen Mode enhancements (more iOS feel)
- Facebook enhancements
- New Slideshows
- Movie Trailers
- All-New Audio Editing
- One-Step Effect
- People Finder
- Sports and News Themes
ps: Like I said. I’m sad and a bit disappointed, ’cause I really was looking forward to know more about OSX Lion. Just in case there’s stuff about it that I’m not aware of yet.