You will never forget a backpacking trip to the Philippines. The beautiful South Pacific archipelago will take your breath away at every turn, as you could happily spend your days cycling through lush jungles, mountain roads, and atmospheric cities.

If you are more than happy to explore the destination by bicycle, you must pick the best design for your needs. Learn why single-speed bikes are perfect for backpacking in the Philippines. 

A Lightweight Design for Easier Travel

Backpacking with a bike might not sound like your idea of fun. However, single speed bikes will make the experience much easier, as they offer a lightweight design compared to fixed-geared bikes. You won’t be weighed down by a bicycle when arriving or departing an airport, and you can enjoy a much smoother ride at your destination. Also, you don’t need to worry about struggling to carry the bike upstairs, on escalators, or onto trains in the bustling city.

Improved Concentration on Busy Roads and Paths

A single-speed bike will make it easy to navigate your way across a difficult or crowded environment, such as heavy traffic, arduous terrains, or popular cycling routes. As the Philippines is bustling with locals and tourists, you can ride with confidence, as you will feel in control of the bicycle due to its lightweight design, responsive handling, and fast acceleration. Once you feel comfortable on a single-speed bike, you may notice your balance and coordination are much better, and you can react to obstacles at a quick rate.

Save Money for Your Backpacking Trip

The more money you have in your pocket or bank account, the more of the world you’ll be able to see on a backpacking trip. The good news is that single-speed bikes are affordable compared to geared alternatives. Depending on the model you pick, you will likely pay between £350 to £600 for a high-quality bicycle with well-made components. The more money you save on the bike, the more cash you’ll have to spend on delicious Filipino food, accommodation, and souvenirs.

Stay Fit While Indulging in Filipino Cuisine

Speaking of delicious Filipino food, a single-speed bike will help you burn those indulgent calories during your backpacking trip. Let’s face it; you cannot visit the Philippines and not treat yourself to a bowl of sinigang, kare-kare, or adobo. Fortunately, the streamlined bike will help you stay in good shape throughout your backpacking trip, as it is designed to provide a rider with a comfortable yet constant speed. As your muscles are constantly working, you will burn many calories consumed throughout the day. Also, you’ll finish the travel experience feeling healthier, leaner, and fitter than ever.

Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery at Your Leisure

As mentioned, a single-speed bicycle will ensure you enjoy a constant but comfortable speed. For this reason, you can absorb the beauty of the Philippines as you ride, and it could help you complete many more miles than you would on a fixed-gear bike. Therefore, you can finish your backpacking adventure with no regrets and many fantastic memories.