Dedicated to establishing a network of global leadership, the Asian Youth Forum is holding its annual International Youth Forum in Seoul, South Korea in October 2010 and is now accepting applications for prospective representatives. Last year the forum was held in our very own homeland, the Philippines. During the forum, youth undergo leadership training and actively participate in workshops, lectures, and group discussions. AYF hopes to expose leaders to group dynamics and provide the necessary resources for youth to become active members in their communities. Included in the forum are field trips and homestay opportunities to fully immerse youth in the host country’s culture. The Pan Asian Conference, congregating English speaking teachers and  educators, is held concurently with the International Youth Forum. At the end of the week, both forums assess global issues. When youth return to their home countries, they are expected to draft an action plan to implement global awareness in their communities.

For more information on participating in the International Youth Forum or for an application, visit: