There are many different myths about WAVs out there – most of which aren’t true. 

This article is going to take a closer look at the biggest and most common myths surrounding WAVs, so that they can officially be debunked. 

Firstly, What Is a WAV? 

A WAV is a wheelchair-accessible vehicle; one that has been specially adapted for individuals in wheelchairs. Unlike a normal car, a WAV can easily accommodate people in wheelchairs, from getting them onboard to strapped into their seatbelts. Without WAVs, travelling would be a lot more difficult for some disabled people, which is why they’re so important in today’s world. 

When it comes to buying a WAV, most people purchase them online using providers like This way, it’s easier to compare the different models available to see which works best for them. 

With that covered, let’s address some popular WAV myths. 

  1. WAVs Are Expensive 

Perhaps the biggest WAV myth of all is that they’re ultra-expensive due to their additional features and special interior design. Fortunately, this is not true. WAVs are incredibly affordable – even for the average person. 

Sure, WAVs are (typically) more expensive than standard cars, but the price difference isn’t as dramatic as you might imagine. 

Plus, if you want to, you can even rent a WAV instead of directly buying one. This is great for instances where you only need a WAV for a select number of days (such as if you have a disabled family member or friend coming to stay with you for a week). 

Also, don’t forget that there are plenty of second-hand WAVs on the market that you can purchase at discounted prices if you want to save even more money. 

  1. There Are No Electric WAVs on the Market

Next, there’s a misconception out there that no electric WAVs exist. Again, this isn’t true.

Over recent years, certain converters have introduced electric WAV models onto the market. Of course, these types of WAVs are intended for eco-conscious disabled drivers looking to help the environment

It’s going to take a little while longer before electric WAVs go fully mainstream. If the current electric vehicle trend continues, though, then it’s reasonable to expect that electric WAVs will eventually become the industry norm.

  1. WAVs Only Have Limited Seats

Fun fact: WAVs usually have anywhere between 3 and 5 seats. 

Sometimes, larger WAVs will even have over 5 seats for extra big families or groups of people to use. 

For instance, schools will often have big WAVs, so that their disabled students can be easily transported to school events. 

  1. Normal Cars Are a Substitute for WAVs 

Many people assume that WAVs aren’t necessary and that normal cars can be used as a substitute. Unfortunately, this is never true. 

With a WAV, you have everything that a disabled person in a wheelchair could ever need, from the ramps to the specialised seatbelts. Without them, transporting the disabled person would be near impossible, especially in a normal car.