A while ago was yet another live eviction night. In which the 2 nominees of this session, namely Nan and Robi Domingo have faced each other again.
I really thought that Davao would be a competitive foe for the True Blue Atenean, but the result speaks for itself. Nan was nominated for the first time, and the last time, as he is the latest Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus evictee.
The ROBIlievers still don’t stop supporting their bet for the big night, and as big winner. Amazingly, the score really favored Robi Domingo tonight. Looking back on the fight of Robi and Rona, we can say that Rona really had a lot of fans way back.
Robi Domingo leads the tally with a big percentage of 77.04 against the only 22.96 of Nan, thus, saving him for another round.
wE lOve rObi…. lhat nG nsa loob deserving na…
we will fight for Robi Domingo!
and we have seen that he has all the Biw Winner qualities!
We will support u Robi Domingo
OnE bIG fIGHT Robilievers
Robi for the Big Win!
BB Robi