Anyone who has ever been involved in organizing an event will tell you that much of its success, or otherwise, is down to how well it is promoted and youth events are no exception in this respect.

There is no shortage of ideas for holding a successful youth event. Perhaps you want to organize an event at school, such as a concert or end-of-term party. Alternatively, you may be a member of a local youth group and want to organize an event promoting its services or celebrating its achievements. Youth events are a great way of bringing young people together in a safe environment, having fun and making new friends along the way.

Before you start promoting your event, do your research. There is no point in organizing an event that no one is going to be interested in attending, so ask yourself what the event is for and who it is targeted at. Look at similar events held in the past to determine if they were successful and ask yourself is there anything different you can do to make your event better

Researching your event also means determining how much money you have to spend on both the event itself and its promotion. The good news is that promoting a youth event does not have to be expensive.

The Internet age means that promoting events online has become necessary. Promoting an event online, especially among young people, means making use of social media, so set up a dedicated Facebook page and Twitter account. Tailor your promotion to suit your target audience. If the young people you want to come to your event prefer using another social media platform, then focus your online promotional efforts on that.

The pros of promoting an event online include that that it is low- or no-cost. Currently, word-of-mouth is often online so having your message targeted through social media means potentially reaching as wide an audience as possible. The cons of using the Internet to promote an event include the potential to overlook some people you want to get your message across to because not everyone is using social media. In addition, you may become so focused on online that you forget to meet people face-to-face. Talking to people in person is often the most persuasive way to get your event promoted, especially an event that is local and particular to a community.

Promoting an event in the Philippines as much as anywhere else can be as straightforward as using a printing services provider to have some flyers and posters made. Ask schools or youth clubs if you can put the posters up on their noticeboards. Make sure the posters and flyers are colorful as well as informative. You want to able to grab people’s attention but having achieved that, a poster or flyer must contain sufficient information on an event – date and time, venue, and what the event is for should cover it.

Whatever methods you choose to promote your youth event, start promoting it well ahead of the event itself to ensure a good turnout.